Chapter 10 – Anomalies
The Copernican system is the Solar System model of choice for MSS. As a result, many non-scientists have the idea that it has no drawbacks, issues, or inconsistencies, and that it is, as far as they are concerned, no less than a scientific tour de force. This chapter will highlight some of the problems with the Copernican system, so that the reader can make an informed decision about the different Solar System/Universe models presented in this book.
We start to find problems with the Copernican system by looking no further than our nearest celestial neighbor, the Moon. Using the MSS masses for the Earth, the Moon, and the Sun, and applying Newton’s inverse square law for gravitation (mass 1 * mass 2, divided by the square of the distance between them), we find that the Sun attracts the Moon gravitationally over twice as strongly as the Earth. The issue here is that the Moon is regarded by MSS as the Earth’s only natural satellite. In other words, MSS says that the Moon orbits the Earth, not the Sun. Also, the Solar System is said to be billions of years old in MSS astronomy. Given the passage of that much time, there is simply no possible way that the Moon could still be in orbit around the Earth. How does MSS deal with this issue? It doesn’t. It simply isn’t discussed. Everybody knows that the Moon orbits the Earth. Enough said. It’s “settled science”. Don’t ask questions about settled science. After all, you don’t want to look stupid, do you?
In the Tychonian system, on the other hand, the Earth is a cold and dark black sun, the center of our terrestrial star system. It might seem strange to think that we are living on the surface of a nonluminous star, but there you have it. The Moon is simply the nearest planet to its parent star, the Earth. The Sun is also in orbit around the Earth, although the Sun, unlike the Moon, is intensely self-luminous, as daily experience shows. The Earth is illuminated by nothing less than its most distant planet, the Sun. Fortunately, the Sun orbits the Earth 400 times farther away than the Moon, and this vast distance dims the light of the searing Sun down to a life-giving level. Both the Sun and the Moon orbit the Earth daily, thanks to the daily intervention of God. We have already discussed how the Earth’s spatial consumption effect is wholly inadequate to maintain the Sun and the Moon in their present orbits. Many will scoff and say that I am invoking God to hold the Moon (and the Sun!) in the space over our heads. Yes, I am. And why not? We certainly can’t look to MSS for an answer, especially since the MSS gravity calculations seem to be telling us that the Sun should have ripped the Moon away from the Earth eons ago! So, the continued presence of the Moon in the vicinity of the Earth is by itself sufficient grounds for disregarding the Copernican system. Still, the Copernican system is so entrenched in the public consciousness that additional examples of its shortcomings are called for.
Our Universe is really a tale of two solar systems in close proximity to each other. The Earth is the center of one of these systems, and two planets attend it, the nearby Moon and the distant Sun. We might borrow a term from science fiction and call our own system the Terran System, to distinguish it from the Solar System, which is the next star system beyond our own, dominated by the Sun. Seven (God’s favorite number, again!) major planets orbit the Sun (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune), along with countless moons, dwarf planets, asteroids, and comets, while the Sun orbits the Earth. In fact, there are no other star systems in the entire Universe, just these two, since the stars, star clusters, galaxies, and nebulae beyond the Solar System in MSS have been shown to be illusory images placed in the night sky by God for illumination and timekeeping purposes, for signs and for seasons:
Genesis 1:14-15 King James Version (KJV)
And God said, Let there be lights in the Firmament of the Heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
And let them be for lights in the Firmament of the Heaven to give light upon the Earth: and it was so.
We can make even more sweeping and outlandish statements and say that the Solar System is the Universe and the Universe is the Solar System. The Solar System extends outward some 10,000 AU (930,000,000,000 miles), at which point the dark, opaque, cold walls of the stellatum bar farther progress. All of the Sun’s planets (discovered or not) reside within the starry shell of the bejeweled stellatum. What lies beyond the stellatum? Probably Heaven, where God Himself dwells.
I have summarized the true structure of the Universe at this point in our journey for the truth in order to emphasize the duality of the Universe in which we find ourselves. There is the realm of what we might call “real” celestial bodies (the Sun, planets, moons, dwarf planets, asteroids, and comets) that are actual physical objects that could, in principle, be visited by human beings, if their technology is up to the task, and the realm of nonphysical images projected on the stellatum (stars, star clusters, galaxies, and nebulae) that are no more substantial than a scene on a movie screen. MSS, on the other hand, believes that all of these objects are strictly physical, one just as real as another, and therein lies a very big problem, as we shall see.
In the MSS Universe, mass and Newtonian gravity reign supreme. Every celestial body attracts every other celestial body through the force of gravity. The limitless space paradigm works to minimize this attractive force to some extent, by virtue of division by the square of the vast distances involved, but problems crop up, nonetheless. For example, the brightest star in the night sky, Sirius, is located near (in terms of angular width) another bright star in the night sky, Procyon. Using the MSS distances of these stars from Earth (in light-years), their MSS stellar masses (in solar masses), and some simple geometry (to convert the number of degrees of visual separation between them into light-years), we can easily calculate the relative Newtonian gravitational force between the two stars (0.115). Next, consider the Fomalhaut trinary star system. The most distant member of this system, Fomalhaut C, a red dwarf, is actually attracted to its primary, Fomalhaut A, with less gravitational force (0.055) than exists between Sirius and Procyon, which are universally regarded by MSS to be completely separate stars! In fact, Sirius and Procyon actually attract each other with a gravitational force stronger than that which exists between the Sun and Alpha Centauri (0.105)! Again, MSS says that the Sun and Alpha Centauri are gravitationally unbound. Obviously, if the MSS limitless space paradigm is correct, and the ability of MSS to measure the angles and distances and masses of the stars is beyond question, a simple matter of settled science, then these disparities should not occur. To put it simply, if two stars are in orbit around one another, then they should obviously attract each other gravitationally with more force than exists between two other stars which have nothing to do with each other. We have here nothing less than proof of the falsity of the Copernican system.
MSS says that there is an obscure star, Luyten’s Star, a mere 1.12 light-years from Procyon. Again, using the MSS data for these stars, we can easily calculate the gravitational force between them (0.31). Here again, the attractive force is considerable, nearly six times greater than the force between Fomalhaut A and its companion star, Fomalhaut C. Due to the enormous masses MSS assigns to the stars, even the mind-boggling distances of the limitless space paradigm are insufficient to “tamp down” the gravitational forces that would result from such gargantuan agglomerations of mass. And yet, these two stars, Luyten’s Star and Procyon, are considered by MSS to be gravitationally separate and unbound. Clearly, something is amiss with MSS, and space is not as we have been told in public school and on public television. I looked at the MSS data for only 11 pairs of stars picked at random before finding the above discrepancies. Try the exercise yourself with stars of your own choosing. You will probably find many more examples, thus illustrating my very point.
Ultimately, it is the limitless space paradigm that is the bane of MSS. In order to create gravity strong enough to reach across limitless space, limitless mass must be brought to bear. In no time at all, the two parameters, mass and distance, increase without limit, one feeding the other, until only black holes remain, places of infinite gravity and density. In fact, MSS now tells us with complete certainty that every large galaxy – maybe even every galaxy – contains a supermassive black hole at its center, even our own Milky Way Galaxy. Let us now use Newtonian gravity to see whether or not this model of the Universe makes any sense. The supermassive black hole at the center of the Galaxy is said by MSS to have a mass 4.5 million solar masses. The Sun is said to orbit the galactic center at a distance of 25,000 light-years. Of course, the Sun itself has a mass of one solar mass. Applying Isaac Newton’s universal law of gravitation, we get a relative attractive force of only 0.0072. Now, the Andromeda Galaxy, the next large spiral galaxy beyond the Milky Way Galaxy in MSS, has a total mass of something like 2 trillion solar masses, and a distance of 2.5 million light-years. You would think that the vast distance of the Andromeda Galaxy from our own Galaxy would render the gravitational pull of the Andromeda Galaxy inconsequential. However, the enormous mass of Andromeda actually pulls on the Sun nearly 70 times stronger than the supermassive black hole at the center of our own Galaxy. Why would the Sun continue to orbit the lesser object, especially after 14 billion years (MSS’s age for the Universe)? Obviously, it wouldn’t, and the Copernican system is shown to, once again, gravitationally come apart at the seams.
If the above points are still not enough to make you question the Copernican model of the Solar System/ Universe, then consider the binary star system of Albireo. Long a favorite target of amateur astronomers the world over due to the contrasting colors of its yellow and blue suns, Albireo has never been observed to exhibit any orbital motion, the gold standard of both Newtonian gravity and the Copernican system. In other words, if Albireo truly is a binary star system, then its massive twin suns must orbit each other with some velocity in order to comply with the laws of gravity. Over time, some motion would have to become apparent. The fact that such motion is totally lacking spells big trouble for the Copernican system. On the other hand, if the stars, galaxies, and nebulae are merely images on the surface of the stellatum, then all of these problems utterly vanish. It is entirely probable that God has purposely made the night sky nonsensical (some binary stars show orbital motion and some don’t, galaxies need dark matter to hold together, the big bang springs forth from nothing and for no reason in complete violation of causality, etc.) so that we would be forced to consider the possibility that we live in a constructed, engineered, designed environment created by a Higher Intelligence. Unfortunately, we don’t seem to be getting the message.
Just in case you’re thinking that MSS astronomy is on shaky ground when it talks about regions of space tens of thousands or even millions of light-years from Earth, but is still reliable “close to home”, then consider the case of Proxima Centauri, the nearest star to Earth beyond the Sun in MSS mythology. A little over 4 light-years away, this tiny, low-mass, red-dwarf star has an overall density greater than any substance on Earth. If the MSS version of spatial events is true, it’s much more likely that Proxima would have characteristics much like those of the Sun, since Proxima is supposed to be our closest stellar neighbor. For example, the Sun’s overall density is somewhat greater than that of ordinary water. Is it reasonable that the star nearest the Sun would differ from it so drastically? Probably not. In fact, most of the stars deviate greatly from the Sun’s characteristics. First, most stars belong to binary, triple, quadruple, etc. star systems. Castor, for example, is a sextuple system! The Sun, on the other hand, remains stubbornly single. Many stars have wild variations in their light output, decidedly unlike the Sun. Mira Ceti ranges from being essentially invisible in an amateur telescope to as bright as 2nd magnitude. Proxima Centauri, whose extraordinary density we have just discussed, is wracked by gigantic stellar flares that irradiate the surrounding space with deadly x-rays. Algol is cyclically eclipsed by a companion star every few days. These few examples show how the Sun has little in common with its stellar bretheren, the claims of MSS notwithstanding. It’s far more likely that stars are wholly illusory, mere luminous circular patches in the inner surface of the hollow sphere of the stellatum, whose remarkable constituent pixels can emit whatever light frequencies God wills, from feeble radio waves to warm yellow visible light to blistering gamma rays and subatomic particles.
Extrasolar planets (the planets of other stars) now number in the thousands. Do these discoveries lend an air of reality to MSS astronomy, since they suggest that solar systems are common throughout the Universe? Not in my opinion. Many extrasolar planets are supposed to be gigantic gas giants larger than Jupiter, but which attend their parent stars closer than Mercury’s orbit around the Sun. Again, is this reasonable? Would their thermally bloated and superheated atmospheres persist after billions of years of unrelenting optical bombardment from a horrifically nearby star whose blindingly bright disk would fill the planet’s sky to bursting? Probably not. Extrasolar planets are more likely electronic simulations on the vast dark screen of the stellatum, just like the stars and galaxies.
Extraterrestrial life on extrasolar planets is now considered a given by MSS. But how likely is it, really, given stars like Mira Ceti, Proxima Centauri, and Algol, whose very name means “head of the demon”? Not very likely. The picture of a Universe teeming with alien animals, plants, and technologically-advanced intelligent beings is merely a fantasy pushed by MSS to maintain the flow of taxpayer funding while anesthetizing the public to the obvious fact of the world we live in: life is only possible on Earth, where the enormous but rock-steady and life-giving Sun revolves around the tiny Earth. When we look at the night sky, we find only the opposite scenario. Just look at the gas giant planets in our own Solar System – tiny but dead moons revolve endlessly around impossibly large but dead planets. The message of the Universe is clear: if you want living space filled with living things, then big must become subservient to small:
Philippians 2:7 King James Version (KJV)
But made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:
What of the stellatum? We have said little about it up to now, except that it is a huge, hollow, opaque Dyson sphere completely surrounding the Sun. Could such an object actually exist? How massive would it be? Would it collapse into a black hole from its own weight? If so, then MSS astronomy would be bolstered considerably, given MSS’s black hole fetish. When viewed from the outside, and from a distance (by a departed soul in Heaven, perhaps), the Universe would superficially resemble a black hole – a slightly warm but completely opaque and non-reflective black sphere floating in a frozen spiritual realm chilled to the absolute zero of temperature. But the similarities end there. The mass of the stellatum is less than 400,000 solar masses (assuming a hollow shell of blackened iron some ten feet thick), not enough to build even one spiral galaxy. This mass is over a quarter of a million times smaller than MSS’s estimate for the mass of all the stars in the Milky Way Galaxy, and no, this amount of mass would not collapse into a black hole (according to MSS’s own Schwarzschild radius calculations). Clearly, our Universe/Solar System is a fairly small and compact affair. The limitless space paradigm is not only incorrect, it’s not even necessary. One you realize that the night sky just looks endless, but is really just a relatively nearby video display screen filled with exquisitely tinted pinpricks of light, all becomes clear, and the fanciful stories of our vaunted science are revealed to be just that. Why does God delight in deceiving us about the night sky? Again, we have been told a tale about the sky, we call that tale science, and we demand that God conform to that tale in every respect. But why should He? Are you interested in what an ant thinks about the workings of the Universe?
MSS holds that the galaxies are billions of light-years away, and uses galactic redshift to support its limitless space paradigm claims. In fact, many people who might otherwise have become Christians have rejected the young Universe that the Bible supports because of the extreme mismatch between the timescales of the two worldviews (thousands of years vs. billions). The stellatum provides a simple answer to this conflict. No object in space is more distant than about 1/6th of a light-year (2 light-months), since the walls of the stellatum are at this very distance. Consequently, the Earth can be young, even though the sky seems to be filled with ancient objects. The operative word there is seems. We choose to interpret the shifts in spectral line position (using the wavelengths of the elements in Earthbound laboratories as a baseline value) as massive Doppler shifts in the light of objects hurtling away from us at unimaginable speeds. But what if this interpretation is wrong? What if the shifted spectral lines are not those of the elements, but of high-tech alternative light sources under the complete control of the Creator? What if He revels in the systematic alteration of the wavelengths of these lines in order to achieve some unknown purpose or effect? This point of view is not at all unreasonable. Consider Adam and Eve, for example. They seem to the product of billions of years of biological evolution, plus nine more months of gestation in the womb, plus additional time to grow to adulthood, but that is just what science tells you. In reality, they were created by God in a moment of time, and simply look like the result of immense stretches of time. Again, the so-called deception arises only in our own minds, and then only because we have been conditioned by our culture to replace God with “deep time”, not because God is some kind of “Cosmic Trickster”. So it is with the galaxies. We see what we want to see, and that with the mind’s eye, rather than what is clearly right in front of us:
Genesis 2:7 King James Version (KJV)
And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
Matthew 11:15 King James Version (KJV)
He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.
Much has been written in MSS about Olber’s paradox (Why is the night sky dark?) and the cosmic microwave background radiation (the CMBR, for short). Both are used to support the big bang theory, but we can now see what’s really going on. The night sky is dark because the light of the stars is feeble, and those stars are stuck to the surface of a vast black expanse. When we look up into the night sky, we are literally seeing the dark walls of the Universe. The Sun heats this immense darkness up to about 3 degrees Kelvin, the same temperature that MSS interprets as the redshifted leftovers of the big bang blast. Anything at this temperature radiates energy in the microwave part of the light spectrum, and MSS astronomers do, indeed, detect such weak radiation with their instruments, emanating from every direction in space. The existence of the CMBR is not open to discussion, just its interpretation. Using the S-B law, we can calculate the temperature that the Sun would heat the Universe up to. We know the radius of the Universe/Solar System (930,000,000,000 miles), the formula for the surface area of a sphere (4 * pi * radius^2), the temperature of the Sun (5,776 degrees Kelvin, according to the Wikipedia article on the Sun), and the radius of the Sun (432,500 miles). Plugging into the S-B equation, and realizing that the stellatum has an inside and an outside surface which effectively doubles its surface area, and noting that energy is neither created nor destroyed, only changed in form, we get a stellatum surface temperature of 3.3 degrees Kelvin. MSS gets a temperature of 2.7 degrees Kelvin. Rounding each temperature to one significant figure, which is probably all of the accuracy that can be expected in measurements of this sort, which involve the entire Universe taken as a whole, and you get just 3 degrees Kelvin (a perfect match!). We interpret this figure as the temperature of God’s solar-heated stellatum. MSS says it’s proof of an expanding Universe which, though limitless in extent, is completely lacking in a limitless God. You decide.
Isaac Newton showed long ago that a hollow shell of matter (a stellatum, in other words) would exert no gravitational influence on objects located within it. This is great for the Solar System, as the mass of the stellatum will not adversely affect the orbits of the planets. The dark side of this circumstance is that the stellatum should drift around in space, colliding with each planet in turn and, eventually, with the Sun itself. Why doesn’t this happen? God prevents it, of course. He keeps the stellatum perfectly centered on the Sun, and spinning at lightspeed, thus providing the entire system with gravity through the intermediary of the amazing ether wind. God is a Cosmic Harlem Globetrotter, intently peering into His basketball Universe whirling madly on His Holy Fingertip! Even the opaque walls of the Universe declare the mercy of God, since mortals seeing God’s face in the sky staring back at them would suffer certain and instant death:
Exodus 33:20 King James Version (KJV)
And He said, Thou canst not see My face: for there shall no man see Me, and live.
Some will scoff at this point and say that you can’t just invoke God whenever you feel like it to explain the workings of the natural world. Why not? MSS says that, in the beginning, there was nothing, and then there was something (the big bang theory in its essentials). How is that any different? And yet, there is a difference. In the MSS worldview, one has faith in nothing and in no one. In the Biblical worldview, one has faith in the One Who Created It All.