Chapter 8 – Sun, Earth, Moon, and Stars, Revisited

We saw in the last chapter that the rotating stellatum provides the ether wind for the Sun, its planets, and their moons, and it is this ether wind – the motion of the fluidic medium of space itself – that ultimately provides what we would call the force of gravity for all of these celestial objects. The Sun (actually, its core) collects all of the ether wind for the entire Universe, since the Solar System is the Universe (and vice versa), and returns it to the stellatum, beginning the cycle anew. This process could explain why the force of gravity is never depleted, as well as the cause of the internal heat of the Sun and the other large bodies in the Solar System, including the Earth, as compression and confinement of the ether wind could generate heat, much like the pressurization of gases does. In the case of the Sun, the resulting heat is beyond imagining, since all of the ether wind for the entire Universe is ultimately processed through the Sun. Much less internal heat is generated by the larger planets and the biggest moons, since they merely “siphon off” a small portion of the available ether wind. Eventually, though, all of the ether wind is ultimately returned to the stellatum, perhaps through some kind of hyperspatial conduit system, all of which is quite invisible to us (the plumbing system underlying all of reality, no less).

If the stellatum is the source of all of the Universe’s ether wind, and the Sun is the sink, then that leaves no ether wind for the Earth and its giant Moon, since it has already been established that the Earth is not one of the planets, nor does it orbit the Sun. No ether wind means no gravity, which leaves unanswered the question of where the Earth’s gravity comes from, since it obviously has some. In fact, the known acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the Earth has been measured many times in the laboratory, and it is 9.8 meters/s^2. This is much less than the Sun’s surface gravity, but it is still an easily observable quantity (try dropping something). Where, then, does the Earth’s gravity come from?

This is easily answered: the Sun. We have already established that the Sun whirls around the Earth daily at a mind-bending 24,000,000 miles per hour (all the while turning on its axis in one month’s time). Such a massive body as the Sun, moving at that incredible speed, forms a miniature stellatum of its own, whipping up a tremendous ether wind in the process. As with the stellatum at the Universe’s edge, the revolution of the Sun around the Earth sets up an ether wind just within the Sun’s orbit whose velocity matches that of the Sun. This high-speed ether wind then gradually diminishes in speed, in linear fashion with distance, until finally reaching zero velocity at the Earth’s core. It’s a miniature copy of the big stellatum that rules the Solar System. The motion of the Sun generates an ether wind, providing gravity for the stationary Earth and motive force for the orbiting Moon. The motion of the Sun is the ether wind source, the Earth is the sink, and the Moon is the planet – a perfectly balanced little Solar System within a Solar System!

Let us now examine these ideas more closely, as it is one thing to propose an interesting idea, and quite another for that idea to conform to reality. First, let’s look at the ether wind that must be howling across the surface of the Earth. After all, if the Earth isn’t moving at all, neither rotating on its axis nor orbiting the Sun, then the ether wind set up by the orbiting motion of the Sun must then blow across the Earth’s surface, since we have already established that the ether wind doesn’t achieve zero speed until it reaches the center of the Earth. The surface of the Earth is 4,000 miles from its center, since the diameter of the Earth is 8,000 miles. It was Eratosthenes who first figured this out in 240 B.C. (see Chapter 2). The Sun is 93,000,000 away from the Earth’s core, while the Earth’s surface if 4,000 miles away from the core. Dividing the first number by the second gives 23,250. Therefore, the speed of the ether wind blowing across the Earth’s surface will be 23,250 times slower than at the innermost edge of the Sun’s orbit around the Earth. This works out to be 1,032 miles per hour (24,000,000 divided by 23,250 = 1,032). This is an extremely interesting number, and one which should makes us sit up and take notice. It is nothing less than the speed at which the Earth is said to rotate at the equator by MSS!

Once again, the conflict of worldviews raises its ugly head. You can either believe that the Earth is physically spinning on its axis, or you can believe the Bible and say that space itself is actually moving past the stationary Earth! Which is it? Is there any way to really tell? Actually, there is a way, but it has not received much press. In fact, I didn’t learn about the experiment that apparently detected the rotation of the Earth until this year (2019), when I was 55 years old! The experiment is called the Michelson-Gale-Pearson experiment of 1925. The name of the experiment itself is interesting, since the experiment was mankind’s first detection of the ether wind gale that blows across the surface of the Earth, the experimental results pierced the established scientific worldview, but were not accepted back then any more than they are now, and the experiment was Michelson’s second attempt to detect the ether wind, even though his name is listed first!

Anyway, the experiment consisted of an enormous optical interferometer over 50 acres in area. We will not discuss the details of interferometry, which is a science in itself, except to say that a light beam is split into two, sent along different paths in space, and then recombined back into a single beam. Generally, a pattern of light and dark stripes on a screen results after light beam recombination, with the appearance being like that of a bull’s eye or a barcode, depending on how the experiment is set up. The pattern of stripes, or fringes, as they are called in the interferometry business, shifts or changes in appearance if something affects one optical path, but not the other. The sensitivity of such devices is very great, even back in 1925, so that extremely subtle changes in the environment of one light beam versus the other become readily apparent through the shifting optical pattern.

What Michelson, Gale, and Pearson found was a shift in optical pattern that meant one of two things: either the Earth was spinning on its axis at 1,032 miles per hour at the equator, or else an ether wind was blowing past the Earth with that same velocity. Naturally, the first possibility was adopted by MSS, and the experiment was hailed as a triumph of modern science and technology, and an independent confirmation of the rotation of the Earth on its axis. However, there is more to the story, since Michelson had already tried to detect the ether wind that should have been produced by the Earth’s orbital motion around the Sun in 1887. Working with his partner, Morley, Michelson found zero velocity for the Earth’s orbital motion, even though the sensitivity of their apparatus was more than sufficient to detect such motion. This is the famous Michelson-Morley experiment, about which much has already been said and written, unlike the follow-up M-G-P experiment. So, we have two experiment results, one showing that the Earth does not orbit the Sun, and one showing that it does rotate on its axis.

MSS has taken the view that the Earth does rotate on its axis and that it does orbit the Sun, and that Einstein’s Relativity theories act to prevent the detection of the latter type of motion. Another possibility is that the two experiments are telling us that the Earth is motionless, and that it is space itself that is moving past us. In that case, the lack of observed orbital velocity around the Sun makes perfect sense (since the Earth is not orbiting the Sun but, rather, the reverse), while the apparent rotational effect could be caused by an ether wind blowing across the surface of a stationary Earth, just as we have proposed above with the Tychonic system and an orbiting Sun. This is the approach that we will take in this book. Naturally, these alternate ideas were never seriously considered, because the implications immediately lead back to Jesus Christ as the Creator of a Universe which is perfectly suited for humanity, which He also created.

You might be wondering why the M-M experiment failed to detect the apparent axial rotation of the Earth found later in the M-G-P experiment. It all comes down to instrument sensitivity and experimental design. The M-M experiment was designed to detect planetary motion on the order of 100,000 miles per hour, while the MSS rotational speed of the Earth is on the order of 1,000 miles per hour (a factor of 100 less, a big reduction in speed, indeed). North and south of the equator, the rotational speed is even less, becoming zero at the poles (according to MSS). Therefore, the M-M experiment lacked the sensitivity to detect speeds significantly less than those expected. After all, since everybody already knew that the Earth orbits the Sun at 67,000 miles per hour, why design an experiment to detect speeds much different than this? The much more sensitive M-G-P experiment could detect the lower speed ranges, which it went on to do. Of course, what it actually detected was the ether wind blowing around the stationary Earth, but MSS cannot accept this. Shouldn’t the M-G-P experiment have detected both the Earth’s orbital and rotational motion, given its sensitivity to such motions? No, because the Earth isn’t orbiting the Sun. That just leaves the ether wind motion whipped up by the orbiting Sun for us to detect. If you cannot accept that Chapter 10 of the Book of Joshua is telling us a valuable truth about the nature of reality, then the only alternative left to believe in is that of a rotating Earth revolving around a stationary Sun, which is exactly the position we find ourselves in today. However, if God has said that the Sun orbits the Earth, and Christians are to follow God, obey Him, and do what He says, then shouldn’t we believe what the Bible says about space, rather than the talking heads of MSS?

It must be stressed at this point that MSS has scientifically proven that the Earth does not orbit the Sun. The Michelson-Morley experiment accomplished that in 1887. Ever since that time, MSS has refused to accept this fact. Be aware that many M-M-type experiments have been performed since the initial one in 1887. Increasingly sophisticated instruments have been employed, and all results have been the same: the 67,000 miles-per-hour orbital motion that the Earth should have (if the Copernican system is correct) has never been detected. This should give everyone pause. Our vaunted modern science cannot accept the results of its own experiments. Why? Because, ultimately, all roads lead to Jesus Christ as the One True God and Creator of the Universe if acceptance of the results is allowed. Once that door is opened, the truth of the Bible follows, as well as the reality of man’s sin, his final destiny of eternal punishment and damnation, and the gift of salvation that Christ so freely offers as an escape. That last one is the real “kicker”, so to speak, because it means that man cannot save himself, but needs God’s help. I believe that it is this single point, more so than any other, which so many people cannot accept. Basically, man is full of pride, and cannot let go of that pride because of the inevitable and unacceptable implications and consequences.

Is an ether wind of 1,032 miles per hour physically reasonable? Wouldn’t it do untold damage to objects on the surface of the Earth? No, because the lateral ether winds blowing around the Solar System are composed of currents of moving space. They are not material bodies. Only objects of planetary size can easily “catch the breeze”, so to speak. For the most part, the ether wind passes through us like sunlight through a window pane. The downward flowing ether wind, that produces the sensation of gravity at the Earth’s surface, is slightly different. The Earth’s core is actually consuming space itself, causing a “reeling in” type of effect, since all physical objects are imbedded in space like flies on fly paper. This is why objects fall to the ground when dropped from a height. And they stop falling, once they hit the ground, simply because the ground itself blocks farther downward movement (the ether wind, however, continues to travel straight down to the core, possibly heating it furiously, as we have discussed).

Still, the general flow of weather systems across the continental United States, from west to east, might ultimately be due to the lateral ether winds blowing across the Earth from east to west, at the top of the atmosphere. The principle involved here is that of the Ekman spiral of oceanography. If a wind current blows across the surface of the ocean, a reversed flow countercurrent is set up far beneath the waves, with much reduced speed. Is this the true state of affairs for our weather? I really don’t know. I present the idea merely as food for thought, and to show that a lateral ether wind could, over a long period of time, have physical effects on the Earth that can be observed from the ground by ordinary people.

A similar Ekman spiral effect could also be occurring on the outer gas giant planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Wind speeds in the upper atmospheres of these planets increase with distance from the Sun, which is most puzzling because solar heating decreases in the same order, and the Sun’s heat is largely responsible for Earthly weather. Ekman spiral effects could explain the high winds on these frigid planets far from the Sun, since the ether wind blowing across the tops of their atmospheres increases in speed with distance from the Sun.

Let’s try some simple calculations to demonstrate how all of this works. First, Michelson and Morley thought that they would measure a velocity of 67,000 miles per hour in their first experiment. That’s the speed that the Earth would need to have if it is actually orbiting the Sun and completes one orbit in one year’s time. You can see this by calculating the circumference of the Earth’s hypothetical orbit around the Sun (93,000,000 * 2 * pi), and dividing by the number of hours in a year (8,760). What the two scientists actually measured was zero, but everyone has refused to believe what our scientific instruments have been telling us.

Luke 19:40 King James Version (KJV)

And He answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.

Still, is there any place in the Solar System where the ether winds blow at 67,000 miles per hour? Yes, there are actually two places, both of them beyond the reach of manned space flight at its current stage of development. One is just beyond the orbit of the Moon, 260,000 miles from Earth, and is due to the Sun’s orbital motion around the Earth. The other is at the orbit of the Sun, 93,000,000 miles from Earth, and is due to the rotation of the stellatum itself, although the vast ether wind speed from the Sun’s orbital motion would probably make measurement of such a slow ether wind speed, in the presence of such a fast one, impossible. The interesting thing to note here is that MSS has the Earth orbiting the Sun at 67,000 miles per hour, while the Tychonian system has a lateral ether wind stream at the orbit of the Sun blowing with that same velocity! What MSS has done is to simply swap the positions of the Earth and the Sun. Then, when the data supporting that construct was not forthcoming, a new science was invented – Relativity – to bury the uncomfortable truth beneath piles of incomprehensible math. Most people defer to the scientists who claim to be able to understand the math, and so we arrive at today’s world where the majority of people believe the exact opposite of what the Bible teaches.

If a manned space station were placed just beyond the orbit of the Moon (by far, the safer and closer of the two locations mentioned!), would an interferometer measure an ether wind velocity of 67,000 miles per hour? I believe so, but putting a manned space station at that distance from Earth is beyond current space technology. An automated space probe might be able to get the job done, given the recent advances in automation, robotics, electronics, and computing, but such a probe will never be launched; no one is interested in disproving the Godless limitless space paradigm.

Speaking of the Moon, what lateral ether wind stream velocity would be required for the Moon to orbit the Earth daily, as our Tychonian model requires? If the Moon really is 240,000 miles from Earth, as astronomers tell us, then the circumference of its orbit would be a little over 1,500,000 miles. Dividing by 24 hours gives a lateral ether wind stream velocity of about 63,000 miles per hour. This, then, is the source of the Moon’s orbital motion. The Moon is literally pushed along by a current of space with just this velocity. We can check this speed another way, by noting that the mini-stellatum for the Earth-Moon system (really, the orbit of the whirling Sun around the Earth) is 93,000,000 miles from Earth, while the Moon is only 240,000 miles from Earth. Dividing the first number by the second gives 387.5. Dividing the maximum speed of the mini-stellatum’s lateral ether wind stream (24,000,000 miles per hour) by this factor gives about 62,000 miles per hour – a close match to our initial calculation. Therefore, our Tychonian theory checks out, and the Moon could, in fact, orbit the Earth daily, as we have said. Of course, you can believe that it orbits the Earth monthly, as MSS maintains, but then you have to ignore the Bible, which we are not willing to do in this book. So, it is possible to devise a scientific system which meshes perfectly with the Bible, and one which does not. Each person must decide which path they will choose. Finally, note that there is no need to reduce the ether wind speed by the square or cube root of the ratio of the volume of the Moon’s orbit to the volume of the Earth itself, since the volume of the Sun-Moon-Earth mini-system is the “foundational base volume”, if you will, of the entire Solar System.

During Joshua’s long day, discussed in a previous chapter and in the Book of Joshua, Chapter 10, God altered the orbital velocity of the Moon, so that it now travels only 348 degrees in a 24-hour period, rather than a full 360 degrees. Assuming that the distance of the Moon from the Earth is the same now as it was then, we can actually calculate how fast the Moon must have been moving around the Earth before the long day occurred. It works out to be the velocity we have already calculated above, 62,000 – 63,000 miles per hour. If God divided up the Moon’s orbital velocity into 30 parts, removed one part to accommodate Joshua’s needs on the battlefield, then “re-started” the Moon’s orbital motion with one of those velocity parts missing, then the Moon’s new orbital velocity would be only 29/30ths of what it once was, or 60,417 miles per hour. In 24 hours, the Moon would now cover only 1,450,000 miles (60,417 * 24). 1,450,000 miles is 96.667% of 1,500,000 miles which, of course, is the known circumference of the Moon’s 360-degree orbit. 0.96667 of 360 degrees is 348 degrees. 360 degrees minus 348 degrees is 12 degrees, which is just the number of degrees which the Moon shifts across the sky from one day to the next, exactly what is observed. Again, each person will have to decide what they believe. You can explain the phases of the Moon with a monthly orbital period and a heliocentric Solar System, as MSS does, or you can believe the Bible, and say that the Moon’s phases began relatively recently due to God’s interference with the Moon’s orbit. It remains interesting, though, that the Moon’s phases in the Tychonian system could only occur if some irresistible force were at work to slow the Moon in its orbit, and the Bible provides a reasonable account of that very thing. Otherwise, the Moon would present the exact same lunar phase to us every single day. Food for thought.

We can even use the acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the Earth to verify the orbit of the Moon, much like we did with the orbit of Jupiter around the Sun in the last chapter. As we have said, the acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the Earth is 9.8 m/s^2, an experimentally-determined quantity with which one cannot argue. If the Moon is 240,000 miles away from the Earth’s core, and the surface of the Earth is 4,000 miles away from that same core, then the ratio of the two numbers is 60. Squaring this, to model the inverse square expansion of the ether wind as one moves away from Earth, gives 3,600. So, the acceleration due to gravity at the orbit of the Moon is 9.8/3,600, or 0.00272 m/s^2, a very small acceleration compared to what is found at the surface of the Earth. This is much too small of an acceleration to curve the orbit of the Moon sufficiently – in one day’s time – by the spatial consumption mechanism that we have proposed. However, the indicated acceleration due to gravity is sufficient for a lunar orbital period of about a month, which is why MSS has opted for this viewpoint. Unfortunately for MSS, the Moon must orbit the Earth daily in order to keep pace with the Sun, thereby generating the lunar phases that we actually observe, and the Bible clearly indicates that the Sun orbits the Earth once per day.

Therefore, I believe a gravitational anomaly occurs due to the fact that the Moon is 400 times smaller than the Sun, but also 400 times closer to the Earth. How the gravitational anomaly works is not clear to me, but it must have something to do with the fact that the Moon and the Sun have the same angular width in the sky. MSS calls the close correspondence between the two angular sizes just an interesting coincidence, but I suspect it’s all by design – God’s design. Somehow, the Moon is kept centered in the ether wind stream that blows along its orbit, despite the absence of a spatial consumption effect from the Earth. We cannot rule out the possibility that God is physically placing the Moon right where He wants it to be from moment to moment!

John 10:28-30 King James Version (KJV)

And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand.

My Father, which gave them Me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand.

I and my Father are one.

You are probably scoffing at this point, as it might seem that I have invented a gravitational anomaly at the orbit of the Moon to rescue my ether wind gravity theory from the wastebasket. After all, if the Moon orbited the Earth in one month’s time, as MSS says it does, rather than in a single day, then the Earth’s feeble spatial consumption effect (9.8 m/s^2 at Earth’s surface) would be sufficient to curve the orbital motion of the Moon into a circle. Doesn’t that mean that our ether wind theory of gravity has been proven wrong? No, it doesn’t, for there are some important issues concerning the orbit of the Moon in MSS of which you might not be aware. First, in MSS Newtonian gravity, the source of the Moon’s lateral orbital motion is never explained. One merely calculates the speed that the Moon requires to complete its monthly orbital journey, and then doesn’t give the source of that motion another thought. Second, in MSS, using Newton’s inverse square law for gravity, the Sun attracts the Moon over twice as strongly as the Earth does. Why, then, is the Moon still orbiting the Earth, especially after the billions of years of elapsed time that MSS loves so much? Finally, there is the Allais effect, discovered by French scientist, Maurice Allais, in 1954, during a solar eclipse of the Sun. In the Allais effect, the periods of pendulums are slightly altered during a solar eclipse, suggesting that some kind of gravitational anomaly connected with the Moon is at work. Allais went on to receive the Nobel Prize for Economics in 1988, and so one cannot say that his work is easily dismissed as “crackpot” or “fringe” science. Of course, none of these points of contention is widely advertised by MSS, and so few people know of them. Still, at least in the ether wind theory of gravity, we recognize that the Moon is anomalous, that God is required to make it all work, and that MSS has even uncovered some evidence for the very same lunar anomaly that we are proposing!

What about manmade space vehicles? Does the Earth have sufficient gravity to bend their orbits into complete circles around the Earth? We will begin with the first of gravity’s two important aspects: lateral orbital velocity. It is frequently stated that the International Space Station (ISS) orbits 250 miles up, travels at an orbital speed of 17,500 miles per hour, and takes 90 minutes to complete one orbit. The Earth’s radius is 4,000 miles. Adding another 250 miles to the radius gives 4,250 miles. Multiplying by 2 and by pi, to get the circumference of the orbit, gives 26,704 miles. Dividing by 1.5 hours gives 17,803 miles per hour, which is very close to the orbital speed given above. So far, so good. But what is the source of this lateral orbital velocity? It can’t be the ether wind caused by the orbital motion of the Sun, since we have already established that the velocity of that wind is only around 1,000 miles per hour in the vicinity of the Earth. In any case, our space vehicles are too tiny, flimsy, and fragile to catch the “ether wind wave”, so to speak. Where, then, does this approximately 18,000 miles per hour orbital speed come from? The answer is simple – from the space vehicle’s rocket engines. We can’t utilize the ether wind for space travel – only moon- and planet-sized bodies can take advantage of that – but we can utilize Newton’s third law of motion by shooting hot gases out of a rocket nozzle in order to travel in the opposite direction. In a sense, we make a “fake” ether wind by using rocket technology. Given the low-pressure/low-density environment of space, it’s not necessary to fire the rocket engines continuously to maintain this velocity; occasional short bursts from the engines are probably all that is required.

So, the lateral orbital velocity of our spaceships and satellites is due to the thrust from powerful rockets. What about the spatial consumption effect (gravity’s all-important secondary aspect)? Is the downward motion of space into the Earth’s surface at 9.8 m/s^2 capable of providing sufficient bending force to keep a satellite from becoming lost in space? Let’s find out now. Since the ISS orbits so close to the ground, we are probably justified in using the same acceleration due to gravity in orbit that we are accustomed to using at the surface of the Earth (9.8 m/s^2). Incidentally, notice that there is plenty of what we might call gravity onboard the ISS, since the acceleration due to gravity, caused by the Earth’s spatial consumption effect, is essentially the same as it is at ground level, due to the low altitude of the ISS. The weightlessness effect that allows astronauts to float around inside their space vehicle is then due to the ISS’s high speed in a horizontal direction. The astronauts, and the ISS itself, are all falling to Earth at nearly the same speed that we see ordinary dropped objects fall to the ground. What’s different is that the space station’s enormous lateral orbital motion, ultimately provided by one or more rocket engines, over the curved surface of the Earth, keeps it from losing any altitude, since the Earth’s surface has conveniently curved away beneath it, keeping the ISS always about 250 miles or so above our heads. The same weightless effect would occur if you were inside of a large falling box that was dropped from a high altitude. You, and any loose objects, would really float about inside the box during the fall. Of course, the box would eventually hit the ground, bringing the experiment to an ignominious end! The ISS occupants avoid this crash by putting high horizontal velocity over a curved surface to work for them. The idea that there is no gravity while in Earth orbit is quite incorrect, and is one of the major misconceptions about science held by the general public.

The ISS’s direction of travel while in orbit becomes orthogonal to its initial direction in ¼ of 90 minutes, or 1,350 seconds. Multiplying 9.8 m/s^2 by 1,350 seconds gives an orbital speed of 13,230 m/s. Dividing by the golden ratio (1.618) gives 8,177 m/s. Converting to miles per hour gives 18,286 miles per hour, a close match to the essentially 18,000 miles per hour lateral orbital velocity. Therefore, the spatial consumption effect of the Earth’s core, combined with modern rocket technology to provide lateral orbital motion, will result in a stable, circular orbit around the Earth.

What about the so-called geosynchronous satellites, which are said to hang motionless over a certain spot on the Earth? Can the ether wind theory of gravity accommodate them? Such satellites are said to orbit the Earth over the equator at an altitude of 22,300 miles, which is significantly more distant than the ISS (which orbits only 250 miles up in low Earth orbit [LEO]). Using the same arithmetic that we used for the ISS, it’s easy to show that the lateral orbital velocity of a geosynchronous satellite is 6,885 miles per hour. Such a velocity would allow circumnavigation of the entire Earth in 24 hours. If the Earth is rotating on its axis, as MSS says that it is, also in 24 hours, then you can see that such a satellite could keep pace with certain coordinates on the ground, allowing it to effectively hover over a certain location on Earth. The existence of geosynchronous satellites, then, would seem to prove that the Earth is rotating on its axis. This contradicts the claims made in this book about the Earth’s fundamentally motionless nature (no axial rotation, no orbital revolution). What are we to do, then? After all, geosynchronous communications satellites obviously exist; the modern world’s electronic interconnectedness would not be possible without them.

The answer resides with the ether wind. The lateral ether wind stream velocity at an altitude of 22,500 miles is just the velocity of the ether wind produced by the Sun’s orbital motion around the Earth (24,000,000 miles per hour), multiplied by the altitude of the satellite above the Earth’s core (26,300 miles), divided by the distance of the Sun (93,000,000 miles), which equals 6,787 miles per hour, a very close to match to the satellite’s orbital speed. Since the ether wind blows east to west, and the satellite was launched west to east, to keep pace with the supposedly moving ground, you can see that the two velocities would cancel out, allowing the satellite to remain in one spot above the Earth.

You might be thinking at this point that the geosynchronous satellite should get “reeled in” by the spatial consumption effect of the Earth’s core if its lateral orbital motion is canceled out by a reverse-flow ether wind. Ordinarily, this would be true, but the geosynchronous satellite orbit is apparently some kind “gravitational sweet spot”, and the satellite remains in space. For some reason, the ether wind that blows along this orbit is capable of moving, surrounding, and suspending small bodies, even artificial satellites. Usually, only massive bodies like planets, moons, asteroids, and comets are influenced by the ether wind, as only objects with significant size, mass, and density are capable of catching the ether wind breeze, so to speak. The geosynchronous satellite orbit is different, and even tiny, manmade structures can partake in the motion brought about by the winds of space.

Lest you think that I am making all of this up just for the sake of saving the ether wind theory of gravity, note that MSS has no less than five other similar but equally mysterious regions of space, called L1 through L5, all in the vicinity of the Earth, Moon, and Sun, wherein even satellites and space probes will remain once placed there, with only occasional thruster action being required to maintain position. One such satellite is called the Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR), which sits in the L1 point, about 930,000 miles from Earth. Designed primarily for weather and Earth observation studies, DSCOVER’s camera constantly stares at the daylight side of the Earth, returning photos of the entire illuminated hemisphere of our planet by radio signal every two hours. When strung together, these individual frames seemingly make a movie of our planet’s daily rotation. However, the ether wind theory of gravity provides an alternate interpretation of the same data. The velocity of the ether wind stream blowing through the satellite’s orbit is 240,000 miles per hour (1/100th of the Sun’s orbital velocity, since the satellite is 1/100th of the distance to the Sun, a speed numerically equal to the Moon’s distance from the Earth in miles, which could be another of God’s whistle-blowing situations). For some reason, the ether winds in this orbit are capable of interacting with man’s miniscule creations, and they propel the satellite along at this same velocity, all the while confining the satellite within the same lateral ether wind stream that propels the satellite along. The circumference of the satellite’s orbit is just 5,843,362 miles (C = 2 * pi * r, a distance numerically equal to 1/1,000,000th of the stellatum’s circumference, which could more whistle-blowing from Above). Dividing the circumference by the speed gives very nearly 24 hours. We can now see what’s really going on here – the satellite is merely keeping pace with the Sun while it (the satellite) orbits the Earth. Consequently, when the satellite looks at the Earth through its telescopic camera, all it ever sees is the bright side of the full Earth, since the Sun is always behind the satellite. As the satellite whips around the Earth, new surface features come into view, creating the illusion of axial rotation. Since the same surface features reappear after 24 hours, it is very easy to come to the (incorrect) conclusion that the Earth’s rotation period is, in fact, 24 hours long. Instead, the Earth is not rotating at all, and is the standard of rest for the entire Universe!

The other L points (L2 – L5) can be explained in the same way. It appears, then, that there really are gravitational anomalies in the space between the Earth and the Sun. MSS recognizes five of them (L1 – L5), and we have added two more (the geosynchronous satellite orbit, and the orbit of the Moon). The point to take away from all of this is that the mere presence of gravitational anomalies is not sufficient to reject a gravitational theory; they seem to be an unavoidable aspect of any theory of gravity. Otherwise, one must reject all theories of gravity, and say that gravity is ultimately unknowable and not understandable. And where’s the fun in that?

The fact that rockets are launched vertically, and then quickly appear to adopt a more horizontal flight path, has led some people to believe that space exploration is a hoax, or that space travel is impossible, etc. After all, if the rocket is going into space, why not just keep traveling straight up? The vertical launch position is simply the quickest and most efficient way of getting through the Earth’s atmosphere. Friction with the air only serves to heat the rocket’s exterior skin and reduce its speed due to aerodynamic drag forces. Vertical launching simply minimizes these factors to as great an extent as possible. As for the “leveling out” process, this is simply the result of the Earth’s spatial consumption effect attempting to “reel in” the rocket as it travels. Generally, the goal of a rocket launch is to put something in Earth orbit, and traveling parallel to the Earth’s surface is what orbiting is all about. This is one of those rare, fortuitous occasions where what happens naturally and what we want to happen are in complete agreement. Consequently, there is really no need to believe that the Apollo missions to the Moon were faked, or that satellites and space probes aren’t real. Incidentally, once the Apollo spacecraft was in Earth orbit, it fired its rocket engines at the appropriate time and orientation, launching it toward the Moon. To conserve precious rocket fuel, the Apollo vehicle coasted most of the way to the Moon, which is why the trip there took three days. Subsequent rocket launches have used these same techniques, since our ability to launch large masses of material into orbit is still quite limited. For example, we could get to the Moon, Mars, or Venus much faster if we could burn rocket fuel all of the way there. Unfortunately, rocket fuel is heavy, and it is simply not possible to carry that much of it on a rocket and still get that rocket off the ground. As a result, we coast our way to the Moon and planets, and the voyages take days to months to years to decades, depending on the destination.

At this point, we should clarify the various regions of the Solar System, so that the reader is not confused. The vast, opaque shell of the stellatum surrounds the entire Solar System. The inner surface of the stellatum is studded with bright lights designed by God. These are the stars that we see at night. They are not what we would call real objects. The Sun is at the center of the stellatum, and the planets, their moons, the asteroids, and the comets all orbit the Sun, either directly, in the case of the planets, the asteroids, and the comets, or indirectly, in the case of the planetary moons. The Sun and its Solar System are real, in the sense that we could actually travel to these objects and orbit them. For those bodies with solid surfaces, and relatively hospitable surface conditions, such as the Moon and Mars, manned landings are possible. The Solar System is the Universe, and vice versa, since the walls of the stellatum only allow space travel out to 10,000 AU. The apparent extension of the Universe into limitless space is just an optical illusion created by an artistic God with total mastery of the laws of perspective. The Sun’s rapid orbital motion around the Earth forms a miniature stellatum for the Sun-Earth-Moon mini-system. The Earth is at the center of the stellatum formed by the orbital motion of the Sun, while the Moon is more like a planet of the Earth. The Earth is offset from the Sun by 1 AU, and is not actually a part of the Solar System, since it neither rotates on its axis nor revolves around another body. In a very real sense, the Universe consists of just two star systems, that of the Earth, and that of the Sun. The Sun is a hot, gaseous, luminous, light-emitting star, while the Earth is a cold, solid, dark star, so to speak. We might call it a black sun or a black star, to distinguish it from MSS’s fanciful black hole and black dwarf concepts. How fitting that fallen and sinful man dwells on the surface of a black sun:

John 3:19 King James Version (KJV)

And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

It may seem strange to realize that we are living on the surface of a star, but this is only because of the decades of indoctrination into the heliocentric mindset that we have all received in school. We can only conceive of stellar systems being centered on hot, luminous, massive stars, and circled by much colder and smaller planets, simply because that is what we have always been taught. We need to let the Bible open our minds to new and true ways of thinking. We can now see that ours is a tale of two star systems immediately adjacent to each other, with the Sun playing two roles simultaneously – that of the Sun for the Solar System and that of the stellatum for the Earth. It’s tempting to call the two star systems a binary star, but that term has already been hijacked by MSS to mean a smallish star revolving around and gravitationally bound to a larger, central, one, which isn’t really the case here. Instead, we have our unique terrestrial system, consisting of the centrally located Earth “star”, the planet-like Moon, and a distant stellatum formed by the orbiting Sun. And we have the Solar System, with its more conventional central Sun, its retinue of orbiting planets and their many moons, all surrounded by a distant stellatum covered in “stars”, whirling around at the speed of light, and encompassing everything that we can see. The rotation of the stellatum provides ether wind (gravity, in two aspects) for the Solar System, while the lateral orbital motion of the Sun provides ether wind (gravity, in two aspects) for the Earth. God maintains the position and movement of the stellatum, the Sun, the Earth, and the Moon, although the Earth, of course, is the ultimate immoveable object:

Genesis 1:14-18 King James Version (KJV)

And God said, Let there be lights in the Firmament of the Heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

And let them be for lights in the Firmament of the Heaven to give light upon the Earth: and it was so.

And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: He made the stars also.

And God set them in the Firmament of the Heaven to give light upon the Earth,

And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.

The orbital motion of all other bodies can be explained through the ether wind concept that we have discussed at length in this book. Scoffers should note that MSS has its own set of “uncomfirmables”, such as the big bang theory, evolution, abiogenesis, and panspermia, which also must be accepted on faith. Our point in this book is simply that it makes a lot more sense to put your faith in Someone who cares about your eternal soul, rather than in fantasy concepts for which there is no evidence, and whose ultimate purpose is to lead people away from God.

We can now see that the American Apollo manned missions to the Moon were examples of true interplanetary travel, since the Earth is the de facto “star” of our system, the Moon is the planet, and the Sun is the distant stellatum, providing gravity and light for the Earth. A star system can then be defined as a central body with orbiting planets and an all-encompassing stellatum. The planets of the Solar System, on the other hand, having now been reached by robotic, unmanned space vehicles, were really the targets of our rudimentary interstellar space probes, since these devices have traveled to the planets of the next star system over. Once a manned landing on one of the Sun’s planets occurs, probably on Mars, mankind will have achieved, in a sense, his ultimate dream of manned interstellar travel. When that happens, man’s technological Tower of Babel, Version Number 2, will be complete:

Genesis 11:1-9 King James Version (KJV)

And the whole Earth was of one language, and of one speech.

And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.

And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar.

And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto Heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole Earth.

And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.

And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.

Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.

So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the Earth: and they left off to build the city.

Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the Earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the Earth.

A manned Martian base would probably be the next logical step, followed by colonization of the Red Planet. None of this will happen, of course, since the large-scale exploration of Mars would eventually result in deaths on Mars, space travel being the hazardous enterprise that it is, and God will not allow the souls of men to become tied to the planet of another star, thereby avoiding the penalty for sin through a sort of ghostly and ghastly immortality in which the disembodied spirits of men drift across the Martian dunes for all eternity…

Hebrews 9:27 King James Version (KJV)

And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

The existence of the big stellatum at the edge of the Universe allows us to make still more predictions about the history of man: since interstellar travel in the Star Trek, Star Wars, or Interstellar sense is impossible, simply due to the lack of stellar destinations, then this must mean that we will never develop interstellar travel in the conventional sense, and this is the real reason for the lack of a Universe beyond 10,000 AU. In other words, our history will be cut short by the Second Coming of Christ, just as construction of the first Tower of Babel was cut short by God’s intervention in the affairs of men. Consequently, there was never any need for God to create a physical Universe beyond the Solar System that we already see. Since God can see the future, He only created what was absolutely necessary for that period of time. Therefore, God has worked smarter, rather than harder. And why not? Just because He can do anything doesn’t mean that He wants to do everything!

Matthew 24:22 King James Version (KJV)

And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.

Using the spreadsheet techniques that were utilized to demolish the flat earth and Ptolemaic systems, I was able to work out what the most distant “normal” Earth orbit would be, and what the orbital period would be at that distance. “Normal” here means that the Earth’s ordinary spatial consumption effect of 9.8 m/s^2 at the Earth’s surface would be effective at bending the orbit into a complete circle around the Earth. The orbital radius turns out to be 93,000,000 miles, with a period of 584 years. This orbit is coincident with that of the Sun’s orbit around the Earth, so the threat of a collision with the Sun would always be present, but this is just a hypothetical exercise. Any greater orbital radius would place the satellite within the Solar System proper, under the gravitational influence of the Sun, and so larger orbits were not considered. The orbital period of 584 years is interesting, since it is numerically equal to 1/10,000,000,000th of the circumference of the stellatum, and numerically equal to 1/1,000,000th of the circumference of the Sun’s orbit around the Earth. The rocket-provided, lateral orbital velocity corresponding to the 584-year orbital period is numerically equal to pi times 100, minus 200, or 114.1593 miles per hour. All of these values are so obviously more of God’s whistleblowing. Only an environment constructed by God could have so many numerical coincidences that reflect back to the investigator the very same dimensions according to which that environment was constructed in the first place. It is as though each measurement performed on the Solar System/Universe contains within it all other conceivable measurements! Only God could arrange things in this holographic, digital-simulative way.

Are there any real manmade satellites with such an orbit? No, the most distant Earth-orbiting satellite has an orbital radius somewhat less than that of the Moon which, of course, orbits at an altitude of 240,000 miles. We are discounting the satellites and space probes that make use of the anomalous L1 – L5 points, which orbit the Earth much farther away than the Moon, since they are able to remain within the confines of the lateral ether wind streams at those locations, much like the Moon itself, without the need for the orbit-bending effect of the Earth’s own spatial consumption. Such bodies always have a 24-hour orbital period, since this is the base period for all lateral ether wind streams within the Sun-Earth-Moon mini-system. The corresponding lateral ether wind stream period for the Solar System is one year, which nicely accounts for the yearly motion of the planets across the sky. Remember, though, that this yearly motion, which is readily visible to anyone who cares to look, is modified by the ether wind dilution factor (square root of ratio of volume of planetary orbit to volume of Sun’s orbit around the Earth) into the orbital period that is actually observed. Kepler’s harmonic law (P^2 = D^3) is the shorthand version of this relationship, but only ether wind gravitational theory explains where these exponents come from (2 from the two-dimensional nature of planetary orbits, 3 from the three-dimensional nature of orbital volumes, with the Sun’s orbital volume around the Earth being the fundamental, base volume, indicating that the Sun must be orbiting something, namely, the Earth).

Therefore, the Sun and the Moon orbit the Earth each and every day, the Sun drags its ragtag retinue of renegade planets around with it daily, the worlds of the Solar System gradually cross the sky over the course of the year, and the planets pursue their orbits around the Sun as observed, with sun-baked Mercury taking less than three months to complete one circuit around the Sun, while remote and frozen Pluto consumes nearly two and half centuries to make the same trip! A secular reader might be tempted to say that the ether wind could never accomplish all of these motions simultaneously, but MSS requires us to believe that the Earth spins on its axis at 1,000 miles per hour, while orbiting the Sun at 67,000 miles per hour, while orbiting the black hole at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy at 430,000 miles per hour, while the Galaxy drags the Solar System and its other stars through the Universe at 670,000,000 miles per hour, all without explanation! What is easier to believe, that God has set up the ether wind to move the worlds as He sees fit, or that we owe our very existence to nameless natural forces relegated to the conveniently unseen past? Each person will have to weigh the evidence and decide for themselves, although you have to admit that it is most peculiar that the speed of the galaxy above divided by the speed of the Earth is 10,000, the same factor that exists between the radius of the stellatum and the radius of the Sun’s orbit around the Earth in the Tychonian system. Hmmm. It is as though even MSS leads us back to the Tychonian version of things!

Note that the Sun-Earth-Moon mini-system is a relatively empty region of space containing only three celestial bodies on a permanent basis: the centrally-located Earth, the planet-like Moon, which orbits the Earth, and the life-giving Sun, which orbits far beyond the first two, and whose immense orbit and outrageous orbital velocity (24,000,000 miles per hour!) are geocentrically centered on the Earth. This low number of orbiting bodies, while perfect for keeping the Earth safe from collisions with other celestial objects, is nevertheless somewhat unexpected, since Mars, half the size of the Earth, has two moons of its own, while diminutive Pluto, half the size of our own Moon, has five (possibly six) moons! The Earth’s low gravity (9.8 m/s^2 at the Earth’s surface), which we now know is caused by the spatial consumption effect at the Earth’s core, is ultimately the source of this sparse population. Such low gravity could never bend the trajectories of the Sun and the Moon into complete, circular orbits around the Earth, let alone the trajectories of any other massive bodies. Therefore, the Sun’s vast orbital motion is provided by God Himself, which kicks up a significant lateral ether wind. This wind propels the Moon along in its orbit around the Earth, but God intervenes again by forcing the Moon to remain within the confines of the lateral ether wind stream some 240,000 miles from Earth. Why does God operate in this fashion? Because He has so decreed it in his Word:

Genesis 1:16-18 King James Version (KJV)

And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: He made the stars also.

And God set them in the Firmament of the Heaven to give light upon the earth,

And God set And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was the Firmament of the Heaven to give light upon the earth,

Since God already keeps the Sun and the Moon in their orbits about the Earth, why doesn’t He do the same for additional planets between the orbits of the Moon and the Sun? We can only speculate that God considers the two existing bodies sufficient to the task, and that additional bodies are quite unnecessary. Also, the three major members of the Sun-Earth-Moon mini-system echo the three members of the Trinity. This “threeness phenomenon” occurs over and over again in science, and I believe that God is calling us to Himself through this overabundance of threes everywhere you look:

Nuclear radiation: alpha, beta, and gamma rays.

Primary Colors: red, green, and blue.

Heavenly bodies: stars, planets, and moons.

Major aspects of our own planet: land, sea, and sky.

Geological divisions of the Earth’s interior: crust, mantle, and core.

Forms of water on Earth: ice, water, and steam.

Bodies of water on Earth: oceans, rivers, and lakes.

Phases of matter: solids, liquids, and gases.

Dimensions of space: length, width, and depth.

Kinds of elements in chemistry: metals, non-metals, and metalloids.

Rays in sunlight: ultraviolet, visible, and infrared.

Temperatures: hot, warm, and cold.

Constituents of the atom: electrons, protons, and neutrons.

Major components of the atmosphere: nitrogen, oxygen, and argon.

Electrical charges: positive, negative, and neutral.

I could go on and on. You can probably think of more. What we should be taking away from all of these unlikely yet commonplace combinations of three, starting with the constituents of our own stellar system (Earth, Moon, and Sun), is that the Triune God is freely available to everyone for the asking, and everything that He has created is working hard to evangelize us all:

Romans 10:13 King James Version (KJV)

For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Romans 1:20 King James Version (KJV)

For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

Luke 19:40 King James Version (KJV)

And He answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.

There are occasional interlopers into near-Earth space. The planets Mercury, Venus, and Mars sometimes approach the Earth relatively closely (25,000,000 miles for Venus, 35,000,000 miles for Mars, and 57,000,000 miles for Mercury), but these are merely temporary intrusions, since all three planets are unequivocally on the Sun’s gravitational leash, so to speak. After a relatively short period of time, all three planets drift once again beyond Earth’s sphere of influence, which in this book is regarded as the orbit of the Sun. Comets and asteroids sometimes stray within this region, as well, but soon move away again due to the Sun’s voracious appetite for the fluidic stuff of space. Just how powerful is the Sun’s spatial consumption effect? We can get some idea by comparing the acceleration due to gravity of each body at the same distance from the center. At the Sun’s surface, 432,500 miles from the solar core, the acceleration due to gravity is said to be 274 m/s^2. The corresponding value for the Earth, at the same distance from its core, is 0.0008383 m/s^2! That’s 330,000 times smaller! Clearly, the Earth’s spatial consumption effect is feeble, indeed, and we can now see how the Sun is able to keep even far-flung dwarf planetary bodies, like Pluto, Eris, and Sedna, which orbit billions of miles from the Sun, permanently and gravitationally bound to it.

If Mercury, Venus, Mars, and the odd comet or asteroid all cross the sun’s orbit, shouldn’t they collide with the Sun, eventually? Yes and no. It is now known that comets collide with the Sun all the time. The so-called SOHO Sun-observing satellite has witnessed many such collisions. Comet ISON is a notable recent example of a comet that did not survive its close encounter with the Sun. It is very likely that the number of comet and asteroid collisions with the Sun is much larger than we realize. The big planets Mercury, Venus, and Mars, on the other hand, do not collide with the Sun now, have not collided with it in the past, and will not collide with it in the future. Such collisions cannot occur because these planets all orbit the Sun while the Sun orbits the Earth. There are some rather well-done Tychonian system simulations on YouTube; I highly recommend watching these, as you can learn much about the Tychonian system in just a few minutes of viewing. We must remember that one planet crossing another planet’s orbital path is quite different than one planet physically colliding with another planet!

Incidentally, our vision of a Universe consisting of just two star systems, linked by the Sun acting in two different capacities simultaneously, explains the great difference in apparent angular size between the Sun and the Moon, on the one hand, and the Solar System’s various planets, on the other. The Sun and the Moon are both an enormous 1,800 arc seconds across, while the planets are all less than 60 arc seconds in apparent diameter, at best. This is easily explained once we recognize the existence of two different stellar systems, one near, the one we actually live in (the Sun-Earth-Moon mini-system), and one far, the Solar System. The large bodies of our own system (the Sun and the Moon) loom large in our skies because they are so close to us and are, in fact, within our own stellar system. The planets, on the other hand, look like mere stars to the naked eye, and show only tiny disks in a telescope, because they belong to the next star system over and are, as a result, much farther away, with consequently much smaller angular sizes.

Why didn’t God just endow the Earth with sufficient gravity to hold onto the Sun and the Moon normally, utilizing the pushing effect of the lateral ether wind and the pulling effect of spatial consumption, without the need for His constant intervention? One obvious reason is that the resulting immense surface gravity would make moving around on the Earth’s surface impossible for creatures such as ourselves. This means that God had human physical characteristics in mind long before He constructed the Universe. In other words, God built the Universe around you and me, rather than relying on the blind and impartial forces of evolution to mold us to our environment. Food for thought.

Psalm 139:14 King James Version (KJV)

I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are Thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

Besides, God probably enjoys the continual tweaking of the ether wind required to keep the Solar System/Universe on course because it gives Him an excuse to frequently look in on His favorite creation – you!

Matthew 10:29-32 King James Version (KJV)

Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? And one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.

But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.

Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.

Whosoever therefore shall confess Me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in Heaven.

If the Earth can’t hold onto anything gravitationally, the why have any ether wind at all? Well, the Earth’s core does absorb the ether wind through the spatial consumption effect, which keeps us firmly and gravitationally anchored to the ground. Floating around like astronauts on the ISS might seem like fun, but the scenario quickly becomes nightmarish as the prospect of drifting away into the void with no air, water, food, or shelter comes into view. Also, our satellites and space vehicles all still need the spatial consumption effect in order to orbit the Earth, and some satellites need the lateral ether wind, as well (such as the geosynchronous satellites and the L1-L5 space probes). We can see here that God knows exactly how far our technological development will extend, and has created a Universe that can fully accommodate those advancements. Of course, the flipside of this circumstance is that the Universe’s conspicuous absence of distant star systems like our own indicates that our history will be cut short by the final intervention of God in the affairs of men, and that this intervention may come much sooner than many think.

There is much interest in detecting life beyond Earth, both in our own Solar System, and in other, much more distant, star systems. We can now predict that such a search is pointless, for the simple reason that, in our own system, a low-mass, planet-sized body on which living things exist (the Earth) is orbited by a much larger and much more massive star (the Sun). This, then, is the signature for life – small planets impossibly orbited by larger objects. When we look to other places in our own Solar System, such as Mars, and the various large moons of the gas giant planets Jupiter and Saturn, all thought by MSS to be possible abodes for life, we find, in every case, just the opposite: small bodies orbiting around larger ones. This is the signature for exclusively lifeless worlds. The same pattern holds for the so-called exoplanets that are being discovered in vast numbers almost daily. None of these fanciful planets orbiting far-flung stars many light-years from Earth will ever be found to harbor living things – the established pattern of life in which small commands large is not present. In any case, we now know that all of the heavenly bodies apparently located beyond the Solar System are just highly sophisticated patterns of lights in the sky, designed by God to illuminate the Earth during the evening hours. Some of these light patterns are highly detailed, indeed, apparently orbited by planets and smaller stars of their own. Our astronomers have been taken in by the cleverness of these illusions, but this is all just God’s artistry at work, creating the appearance of a limitless expanse within a confined space. Think of a model railroader, such as Alec Baldwin’s character in the movie Beetlejuice. The avid hobbyist goes to great lengths to create the illusion of a real railroad scene, complete with lakes, clouds, blue sky, trees, rocks, buildings, distant mountain ranges, etc., all within the confines of a single room. So it is with God. It pleases Him to create an environment that seems totally real and which seems to go on forever. Does that make God evil or deceptive? Each person will have to decide that for themselves. Is a model railroader evil or deceptive when he or she engages in their favorite hobby?

No discussion of alien life would be complete without mentioning UFOs (unidentified flying objects). There are really only a few possibilities for what these strange lights in the sky could be. They could be hoaxes, they could be psychological warfare operations conducted by our own, or other, governments, they could be misinterpretations of atmospheric phenomena, they could be manmade and secret high-tech aircraft, or they could simply be the most recent “face” of demonic possession. Possession incidents were quite common in the Bible, and this raises the question of why we don’t see possessions occurring in the modern world. It’s quite possible that we are seeing them taking place on a regular basis today without realizing it, in the form of the so-called alien abduction scenario. Perhaps fallen angels are attempting to “stay relevant” and are “changing with the times” by disguising themselves as extraterrestrial lifeforms. Perhaps the disturbing and chilling alien abduction phenomenon is merely a prelude to a third attempt by the fallen angels of old to corrupt mankind. Many Bible prophecy scholars hold this very view. Time will tell.

It’s interesting to note that many MS scientists are now seriously discussing the possibility of detecting alien civilizations by way of the enormous Dyson spheres that technologically-advanced extraterrestrials may have constructed around their home star systems to harvest all of the solar energy of their own suns. Such structures would manifest to human telescopes as distant sources of infrared and/or microwave energy, since the opaque shell surrounding the star would completely block the star’s optical output, leaving only low-frequency “waste” emissions for our telescopes to detect (sounds a lot like a stellatum, doesn’t it?) Ironically, MS scientists fail to realize that the ultimate extraterrestrial, God, has already constructed a Dyson sphere around the whole Universe, and that the waste heat from this singular example of megascale engineering is none other than the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR)!

What of our beloved science fiction franchises in which alien life abounds (Star Trek, Star Wars, Lost in Space, Space: 1999, Battlestar Galactica, The Outer Limits, The Twilight Zone, One Step Beyond, Night Gallery, the various Riddick films, The Expanse, Childhood’s End, etc.)? All fantasy and quite impossible. After all, if stars and galaxies don’t exist, then alien life cannot exist, either. And yet, the realm beyond the stellatum teems with alien life (God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, countless angels, Satan, etc.). SETI is wasting its time listening for radio signals from aliens – there is no one out there to send any signals, since there are no extrasolar planets for the aliens to have evolved upon! Any evidence for planets orbiting stars beyond the sun is only apparent. Like the stars themselves, the planets of other suns are simply highly sophisticated electronic images on the inner surface of the stellatum, all designed to light the Earth at night and help mankind to keep track of time. NASA’s endless and expensive attempts to find microorganisms on Mars with automated landers and rovers are similarly pointless, as only the Earth is the abode of life, as anyone can plainly see. NASA’s extremely thorough survey of the Solar System with its fleet of space probes has already proven that. Should we stop exploring space, then? Perhaps not. There could be valuable natural resources on the Moon, Mars, and the asteroids, and these might be of significant value someday. But the currently fashionable idea that life abounds throughout the MSS cosmos is quite ridiculous. If that idea were true, then Mars, for example, should be teeming with life that has evolved to fit perfectly into the environment of that planet. What do we actually find there? Why, a freezing and lifeless desert, of course, with a partial vacuum for an atmosphere. One again, MSS fails to deliver on its extravagant claims. Food for thought.        

In the Tychonian system, God is needed to maintain every aspect of the Solar System/Universe. For example, God keeps the stellatum at the edge of the Universe spinning and centered on the Sun, He keeps the Sun moving in its daily orbit around the Earth, He keeps the Moon centered in its lateral ether wind stream, and He keeps the orbits of the Sun and the Moon physically centered on the Earth. And these are just a few of the things that God does for the Universe on a daily basis. Actually, nothing could exist apart from God. Even if you don’t believe in Him, you exist because of God’s Mercy and Power:

Hebrews 1:3 King James Version (KJV)

Who being the brightness of His glory, and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the Word of His Power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high:

In Copernican system, on the other hand, there is no God, the Earth orbits the Sun, the Moon orbits the Earth, there is no ether wind, and the Universe takes no notice of you. In fact, there is no need to invoke God to explain anything, and gravity does everything. MSS would like you to believe all of that, but the truth of the matter is that the M-M experiment failed to detect the Earth’s orbital motion around the Sun, the Sun attracts the Moon over twice as strongly as the Earth according to MSS Newtonian gravity, the lateral orbital motion of every object in the Solar System has no explanation (or is attributed to events in the distant past that can never be verified), and Foucault pendulums, said to demonstrate the rotation of the Earth on its axis, sometimes move in the wrong direction, and sometimes fail to work at all. Clearly, MSS’s ability to explain the world around us is not as all-encompassing and bullet-proof as we have been told. That’s why, in this book, we have tried to predict the orbital motion of planets and moons from a sensible ether wind with fixed and reasonable properties, rather than using unverified/unverifiable quantities (mass, gravity) to determine orbital motions. The main reason for this is simply that unobservable quantities can be adjusted at will to make any calculation work out. (Don’t have enough mass for your orbit? No problem! Just make more out of thin air until the calculated orbital period matches the real one!) Such “science”, where parameters are adjusted freely until the desired result is obtained, is called ad hoc, and even MSS considers such an approach very poor scientific form. And yet, MSS resorts to this very tactic as often it can! The dark matter debacle provides one such example of this.

Astronomers tell us that the stars within a distant galaxy should revolve around their galactic center more and more slowly as one moves from the center of the galaxy out to the edge. What galaxies actually do is maintain a more or less constant period of orbital motion throughout. To cover their inability to model this phenomenon, astronomers neatly solved the problem by inventing dark matter. The idea is that a ring or halo or shell (stellatum?!) of invisible dark matter, undetectable by any kind of technology we can devise, surrounds each galaxy, providing the additional mass and gravitational pull needed to speed up stellar orbital motion in galaxies. There are a number of issues here. First, Isaac Newton showed long ago that a symmetrical distribution of matter around an object can exert no gravitational force on the object within that distribution. The stellatum surrounding our own Solar System/Universe relies upon this fact in order to fulfill its purpose. Second, Newtonian gravity says that orbital periods are determined by the amount of mass within an orbit, not by the amount outside of it. Third, if dark matter is distributed throughout the galaxy evenly, rather than concentrated beyond the outer edge, wouldn’t it be pulled by gravity into the stars, making them all heavier than they actually are? Fourth, if dark matter resists being attracted to visible matter, wouldn’t that be a kind of antigravity? Fifth, no dark matter has ever been detected by MSS in the laboratory, even though it should be commonplace if all galaxies contain vast quantities of it. I could go on and on, but dark matter is a very active field of research in MSS today, even though it makes no sense. Why is this situation allowed to continue? Simply because the alternative – seriously considering the Creator and His creation from a scientific standpoint – has become so abhorrent to so many for so long that “making up stuff as we go” is now the supreme law of our age. We will have more to say about dark matter in a later chapter, including at least two possible ways out of the dark matter conundrum. In my opinion, the fact that galaxies only make sense by incorporating a kind of matter into them with impossible properties is all the proof that you need to show that the night sky is largely an optical illusion created by God for the enjoyment and betterment of mankind.

Leaving the realm of the galaxies far behind for the moment, let us now return home for a closer look at the Moon. The Moon always presents the same face to the Earth, which has led many people to conclude that the Moon doesn’t rotate on its axis at all. Actually, the Moon does rotate, but once per day, and in such a way that the same half of it (the side we see) is always facing the Earth. This is the so-called synchronous rotation pattern, and many moons in the Solar System exhibit this type of rotation. You can see that this kind of rotation must be occurring by performing a simple experiment. Place a chair in the center of a room. Face the chair, and move around it in circle such that you can always see the chair. When you return to your starting point, you will notice that you will have seen all four walls of the room during the experiment, proving that you have rotated completely around one time. This is just what the Moon does. If you didn’t rotate in this way, and simply looked at one of the room’s walls while moving around the chair, you can see that the chair would be able to “observe” all sides of you, something we are not able to do with the Moon, proving that the Moon’s rotation is of the former type, rather than the latter. Of course, MSS says that the Moon rotates synchronously, as well, but in one month’s time, rather than in one day. Again, each person will have to choose between theories that seek to explain the exact same observations. In this book, we are using the Bible for faith and practice, and so we believe in the Moon’s daily orbital motion and axial rotation. It’s probably impossible for anyone to be able to tell with certainty what is really going on with the movements of the various bodies in our Solar System. We can only make up plausible explanations for those movements, and then choose to believe them, or not. Since God wants only what is best for us, far more than our fellow man, and has told us the truth about those movements, why not believe Him?

Speaking of rotation, we have yet to discuss the rotation of the star-studded stellatum, and how that rotation would appear from the surface of the Earth. If the stellatum really were one full light-year in circumference, and it rotated exactly at the speed of light, then all of the stars attached to its surface would return to their initial positions in the sky in one year’s time. This conforms to what we casually observe, and would explain why we see a changing parade of constellations throughout the year. Basically, the unmoving Earth hangs in space, motionless, while the various constellations move across our line of sight as the year progresses.

Job 26:7 King James Version (KJV)

He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the Earth upon nothing.

However, astronomers have found that the stars rise in the east 4 minutes earlier each night. This is easily explained through the stellatum’s rotation at the speed of light. 4 minutes of sky motion corresponds to 1 degree of angular width, since the Sun carries the stellatum completely around us in 1 day of 24 hours, and there are 360 degrees in a circle, and 1,440 minutes in a day (4/1440 *360 = 1). Therefore, the stellatum rotates 361 degrees per day, that extra degree causing the stars to rise 4 minutes earlier every day, exactly in line with what we observe.

It’s important to keep in mind that our theory of gravity in the Tychonian Solar System/Universe is a simple mechanical one, where the working fluid is space, the stellatum is the impeller, the planets are propelled along in their orbits by the ether wind (currents of flowing space), and the Sun is the return line intake. Similarly, in the Sun-Earth-Moon mini-system, the daily orbital motion of the Sun around the Earth at 24,000,000 miles per hour (just about 4% of the speed of light) is the stellatum/impeller, the Earth constitutes the return line intake, and the Moon plays the role of a planet. We can summarize the motions of the Sun, Earth, Moon, and stars as follows:

The Earth doesn’t move at all (no axial rotation, no orbital revolution).

The Sun moves completely around the Earth once a day (24 hours) in a nearly circular orbit with a radius of 1 AU (93,000,000 miles). This can easily be demonstrated by planting a vertical stick in the ground, and timing how long it takes for the shadow of the stick to return to its intial position (experiment shows that this time period is exactly 24 hours). The Sun rotates on its axis once a month, which we can detect by timing how long it takes for an equatorial sunspot to return its initial position.

The Moon moves almost completely around the Earth once a day (24 hours). Unlike the Sun, however, which makes a complete, 360-degree circle in that time, the Moon only covers 348 degrees during that same period. This 12-degree lag each day is the cause of the lunar phases, which require one month to completely cycle through and return to the initial phase. In this book, we take the position that the lunar phases were introduced by God after Joshua’s Long Day, which is discussed in Chapter 10 of the Book of Joshua, and in Chapter 5 of this book.

The stars are physically attached to the surface of the stellatum, while the stellatum is carried around the Earth each day (24 hours) by the orbital motion of the Sun, which is somehow physically linked to the stellatum and is located at the exact center of it (the Earth and the Moon being slightly offset from the center by a distance of 1 AU). The stars move around us at a rate of slightly more than 360 degrees per day (more like 361 degrees), and it is this extra degree of stellatum rotation which neatly accounts for the fact that the stars rise 4 minutes earlier each night. Note that, after one year’s time, the stars will have all returned to their initial positions, starting the yearly parade of the constellations anew (365 days * 4 minutes/day = 1,460 minutes = just a touch over 24 hours). This shows us that the stars are carried around us each day by the Sun, and that the “day of the stars” is renewed after each passing year, thus demonstrating in real life the “day-year” principle that is so common in the Bible:

2 Peter 3:8 King James Version (KJV)

But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

Daniel 9:24-27 King James Version (KJV)

Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.

Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.

And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for Himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.

And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

So, the orbit of the Sun gives us our 24-hour day and the day/night cycle. The orbit of the Moon, with its 12-degree lag per day, gives us the lunar phases, and the rotation of the stellatum, with its single degree of overtake per day, gives us the opportunity to see all of the constellations visible at our Earthly latitude throughout the year. Without the offsets in the orbit of the Moon and the rotation of the stellatum, we would have the same lunar phase and constellations every day/night of the year. Besides giving light upon the Earth, God has decreed that the Sun, Moon, and stars should also be useable for timekeeping purposes. The offsets in the Moon and the stars, and the lack of one with the Sun, makes this application possible:

Genesis 1:14 King James Version (KJV)

And God said, Let there be lights in the Firmament of the Heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

Because the Earth is motionless in the geocentric Tychonian system, eclipses are easily dealt with. We will handle total solar eclipses first. In these, the Moon passes in front of the Sun, and the whole spectacle is observed from the surface of the Earth. The Sun’s disk is completely covered by the black disk of the new Moon, bringing night to the Earth for a few minutes during the day. We know that the Sun moves across the sky at a rate of 15 degrees per hour, while the Moon’s rate of motion is somewhat less, at 14.5 degrees per hour, with both traveling in an east-to-west direction. The Moon’s 0.5-degree per hour lag versus the Sun neatly accounts for the Moon’s monthly phases, its peculiar habit of rising about 50 minutes later each day, and the maddening way that it seems to push 12 degrees farther to the east when observed at the same time each day, even though it stubbornly continues to rise in the east and set in the west. The Moon’s overall daily eastward motion has caused many to believe that the Moon orbits the Earth in a west-to-east direction. Actually, the reverse is the truth, as is the Moon’s daily, rather than monthly, orbit. These common misconceptions are byproducts of our heliocentric/ spinning Earth/revolving Earth upbringing. In reality, west-to-east motion is the cursed direction in the Bible, and God would never allow the celestial body that He created to rule the night to move in such a distasteful manner:

Genesis 1:16 King James Version (KJV)

And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: He made the stars also.

Genesis 4:16 King James Version (KJV)

And Cain went out from the presence of the LORD, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden.

When dealing with eclipses, one can simplify the situation by realizing that the slower body can be regarded as motionless during the eclipse, while the faster body can be assigned an angular speed equal to the difference between the two angular velocities. Therefore, the Sun will seem to pass behind the stationary Moon at a rate of 0.5 degree per hour. At this rate, the Sun will require about one hour to completely slip behind the opaque Moon, and about another hour to fully emerge from its shadow. The two celestial bodies can remain in perfect lock-step for only a few brief minutes – 7.5 minutes at the most, but more often only one or two minutes. Therefore, if the Sun and the Moon both orbit the Earth in the geocentric Tychonian system, total solar eclipses are possible, just as in the heliocentric Copernican system. It is not possible to tell which one of the two models is correct from total solar eclipse observations alone. Fortunately, the Bible comes squarely down on the side of the Tychonian system. Note that the total solar eclipse cannot last for the entire day because there is always at least some degree of tilt between the orbit of the Sun and the orbit of the Moon as seen from the surface of the Earth, and it is these tilted orbits, as well as the slight variance in the rate of their sky motions (0.5 degree per hour), that keep the Sun and the Moon from traveling together through the sky for very long.

Stellar occultations, in which bright stars of the night sky, such as Spica, Regulus, and Aldebaran, are eclipsed by the Moon, have the same explanation as total solar eclipses. This makes perfect sense, since the distant stars are dragged along by the Sun as it orbits the Earth once a day, and they therefore travel across the sky at the same rate as the Sun (15 degrees per hour). When such stars happen to be located along the orbital path of the Moon, but are actually positioned far behind it, they will be totally eclipsed by the opaque bulk of the Moon. Of course, stellar occultations are much longer than total solar eclipses (about an hour or so), because the stars have negligible angular width, unlike the mighty Sun, the King of Stars. Note that the Moon can also occult the planets of our own Solar System; it’s all just a matter of which celestial bodies happen to be located along the Moon’s orbital path and along our line of sight.

We can perform similar calculations for total lunar eclipses. Here, the opaque body of the Earth blocks sunlight from reaching the Moon, allowing observers on the night side of the Earth to see the full Moon darkened by the Earth’s shadow. Some sunlight filters through the Earth’s atmosphere, dimly illuminating the Moon’s surface with an orange to red sunset-like tint. As a result, some people call a full Moon fully eclipsed by the Earth’s dark shadow a “Blood Moon”. As with total solar eclipses, the Earth is again motionless, while the full Moon’s surface acts as a kind of moving screen for the Earth’s shadow to be projected upon. The longest total lunar eclipse that I could locate quality information on was 3 hours and 40 minutes, meaning that at least some portion of the Moon remained within the darkest portion of the Earth’s shadow (the umbra) for that length of time. MSS says that a stationary Sun shines on a revolving and rotating Earth, casting an Earth-sized shadow into space, through which the moving Moon travels in the indicated amount of time. Can the Tychonic system provide an alternate explanation with an equivalent outcome? Let us see. First, if the Sun moves through the sky at a rate of 15 degrees per hour, then in 3.667 hours the Sun will move 55 degrees. This much Sun movement will create a swath of Earth shadow with the same angular width (55 degrees). How long would it take the Moon to move through a shadowed zone of the indicated angular length? Just 3.793 hours. This is a close match (3.7 hours versus 3.8 hours, a 2.7% relative percent difference [RPD] between the two total lunar eclipse times), nicely demonstrating the plausibility of the Tychonian theory of total lunar eclipses.

Regardless of your feelings about the Tychonian version of the Solar System, you have to admit that it is very intriguing that different models of the Solar System can all explain the same astronomical phenomena equally well. How can we possibly decide between them to get at the truth? In this book, we are placing a lot of emphasis on the fact that the KJV Bible supports the Tychonian viewpoint. For many people, though, this is not a convincing argument, since it is fashionable nowadays to disbelieve the Bible. Where does that leave us? The Tychonian system still wins. Why? Because the M-M experiment, a MSS experiment, totally disconnected from spiritual matters, did not detect the Earth’s orbital motion around the Sun, which is central to the Copernican heliocentric mindset. Food for thought.

Incidentally, it has always puzzled me as to why people are so quick to believe that God is lying to us in the Bible. This point of view makes no sense. Think about it. Why would a super-powerful, non-corporeal energy being from another dimension, able to do accomplish absolutely anything that He desires with the snap of His fingers, need to lie? Lying is the stock in trade of the weak. Liars are either trying to “gain the upper hand” at the expense of someone else, because they lack the power to achieve their ends in the conventional, direct way, or else they are trying to protect themselves, or someone else, out of fear. Again, weakness is implied throughout:

1 John 4:8 King James Version (KJV)

He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

1 John 4:18 King James Version (KJV)

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

Jeremiah 32:17 King James Version (KJV)

Ah Lord GOD! Behold, Thou hast made the Heaven and the Earth by Thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for Thee:

Numbers 23:19 King James Version (KJV)

God is not a man, that He should lie; neither the son of man, that He should repent: hath He said, and shall He not do it? Or hath He spoken, and shall He not make it good?

Note that the size and distance of the Moon must be close to the values that astronomers tell us (2,160 miles in diameter and 240,000 miles distant). Otherwise, the eclipse alignments that we have just discussed could not take place.

It is sometimes said that the shadow of the Moon on the Earth during a total solar eclipse is much too small (70 to 170 miles across) to be caused by the Moon, which is over 2,000 miles in diameter. It is true that, ordinarily, the size of an object’s shadow is equal to or larger than the object itself. However, the unique geometry of total solar eclipses leads to unusual effects that are not intuitive. To show this, I suspended a small plastic ball containing a miniature magnet in midair using one of those magnetic levitation toys. This was my simulated Moon, hanging in space:

Job 26:7 King James Version (KJV)

He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the Earth upon nothing.

A nearby white screen simulated the surface of the Earth. Using a white LED flashlight to simulate the Sun, with a beam of the appropriate width (I had to try several before finding one with a sufficiently wide and bright beam), and by adjusting the distance between the flashlight “Sun” and the floating “Moon”, as well as the distance between the floating “Moon” and the screen “Earth”, I was able to make the “Moon’s” shadow as large or as small as I wanted. In fact, it was even possible to focus the shadow of my simulated Moon to a tiny dark point, just what is observed during a real total solar eclipse. This experience just goes to show that common sense isn’t always correct, and that sometimes you have to build a working model of a physical phenomenon in order to demonstrate its reality.

During the total solar eclipse of August 21st, 2017, the Moon’s shadow traveled across the United States from northwest to southeast in just a few hours, leading many people to conclude that the Moon must orbit the Earth from west to east, even though everyday experience tells us that it rises in the east and sets in the west. This phenomenon is easily explained in the Tychonian system. First of all, we must remember that the Earth is completely motionless, which simplifies the situation considerably. Next, in our discussion of total solar eclipses above, we saw that the Sun moves in an east-to-west direction across the sky slightly faster than the Moon, even though it is the more distant body (15 degrees per hour for the Sun, 14.5 degrees per hour for the Moon). Therefore, the sky motion of the Sun can actually overtake that of the Moon, which also travels east to west. However, we have been so indoctrinated into the Copernican heliocentric theory of a motionless Sun at the center of the Solar System, and of a rotating Earth spinning on its axis at phenomenal speed, that we cannot conceive of the Sun actually doing any moving of its own whatsoever. Consequently, the Moon appeared to move backwards across the face of the Sun, from west to east, as the eclipse proceeded. I distinctly remember observing this effect through a pair of dark eclipse glasses from the backyard of my Las Vegas home (where the eclipse was only partial, unfortunately). Even though I knew the geocentric truth of the situation, I still thought to myself, “Why does it seem like the Moon is moving backwards?” In reality, both Sun and Moon were traveling east to west, like they always do, with the Sun moving slightly faster behind the body of the Moon, creating the illusion of lunar motion in the opposite direction. You can show that this is the case by shining a flashlight on a wall while holding a pencil vertically in the beam. The Sun is the flashlight, the Moon is the pencil, and the wall is the Earth. If you move the flashlight from right to left, you will see that the shadow lances outward from the pencil first to the left, and then moves steadily to the right (just the opposite of the flashlight’s motion). The same thing occurred during the August, 2017 total solar eclipse, neatly accounting for the Moon’s shadow moving across the country from west to east even though the Sun was moving behind the Moon from east to west. Once again, the eclipse can be explained in two different ways. You can have a motionless Sun and a moving Moon and Earth in the Copernican system, or a motionless Earth and a moving Moon and Sun in the Tychonian system. The Bible favors the latter system, and so that is what we believe in this book. After all, why not believe the One who made space and all of the celestial bodies that float within it?

Another sky motion that demands explanation is the way that the Moon’s face seems to rotate while it crosses the sky. Many people have noticed this phenomenon, and it is tempting to think that the Moon’s rotational axis is actually shifting position as the Moon travels overhead from east to west. Actually, it is very unlikely that a rapidly spinning, planet-sized body could suffer a “pole shift” of this type. For one thing, spinning objects tend to maintain their orientation over time, as any child’s toy gyroscope will attest. Instead, all that’s happening here is that the four cardinal points of the compass – north, south, east, and west – are simply maintaining their positions over time. You can do a simple experiment to prove this to yourself. Observe the rising of the next full Moon, noting the position of one of the Moon’s dark regions (one of the so-called lunar maria). You might see such a surface feature at the “top” of the Moon, for example. Therefore, at the eastern horizon, the full Moon’s “bottom” is facing east, the “top” (where the dark spot is) is facing west, the “right” side of the Moon is facing south, and the “left” side of the Moon is facing north. Six hours later, when the Moon is at its highest point in the night sky, with the observer looking south, you will find that the dark spot that you took note of at moonrise has now confusingly moved 90 degrees clockwise from its original position. All becomes clear again when you realize that the dark spot on the Moon must always face west, just as it did when the Moon was rising. Sure enough, when looking south, west is located to one’s right, precisely where the dark spot is now pointing. Six more hours later, a full twelve hours from moonrise, our spot is now upside down, at the bottom of the Moon, again facing west.

This so-called field rotation has everything to do with the fact that the directions of space remain constant with time, a fact which we can all rejoice over. If the Universe weren’t constructed in this way by God, we wouldn’t be able to reach any destinations on the surface of the Earth. How could one hope to get anywhere if north, south, east, and west were constantly changing in random fashion? The reason that the appearance of the full Moon seems so confusing is that our vantage point keeps changing throughout the night. A little thought, and perhaps a diagram or two, quickly restores our confidence in reality, however. Also, the Moon is the only celestial body with surface markings that can be seen by the casual observer with the naked eye. The Sun is too bright to look at, and pretty much featureless anyway, while the stars and planets are mere points of light. As a result, the Moon seems to exhibit a peculiar, rolling motion all of its own. In reality, all heavenly bodies exhibit field rotation. For example, the twin stars of a binary star system, observed with a telescope, will show the same rotational behavior as the Moon. Try it some time. You will see that, once proper account is taken of the four cardinal points of the compass, common sense is restored, and all is as it should be.

You might be wondering how the tiny Earth is able to keep the enormous and massive Sun in orbit around itself. Or, how can the tiny Sun keep the enormous and massive star-studded stellatum in orbit around itself? We must keep in mind at all times that some things will simply never be known in this lifetime. God is merciful and kind, and has given us a glimpse into how He has constructed the Universe, and how He maintains its various motions. But He hasn’t told us everything. Sometimes all one can do is quote the Bible:

Hebrews 1:3 King James Version (KJV)

Who being the brightness of His glory, and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the Word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high:

Some will scoff and say that, with the Copernican system, the gravity of the Sun is sufficient to hold the Earth in orbit, and the gravity of the Earth is sufficient to hold the Moon in orbit, and so there is no need to invoke God. Therefore, they will say, Copernicanism is the superior theory. If there were no issues with the Copernican system, then this viewpoint would be a powerful point in favor of the limitless space paradigm. Fortunately for the Tychonian system, there are issues with the Copernican system, and we will begin our discussion of them in a subsequent chapter. First, though, we must discuss the true nature of the stars, to lay some groundwork for that discussion.

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